Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.15

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.15!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects a variety of systems, especially ones running services. Changes include:

* Switch to Fetch CRL v3 (by default) on EL5 systems (see below)
* Added "Upcoming" software repository for disruptive updates (see below)
* Upgrade GridFTP to 6.14
* Upgrade gLExec and LCMAPS to current versions
* Reworked LCMAPS configuration in the gatekeeper, GridFTP, GSI-OpenSSH, etc.
* Upgrade to very latest Java 1.6 release (6u43)

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Note that there are two larger changes with this release that have separate documentation:

* Fetch CRL: With this release, we recommend that users on Enterprise Linux 5 systems (SL5, CentOS 5, and RHEL 5) switch from Fetch CRL version 2 to $


* Upcoming repositories: We are adding a new set of optional repositories to supplement our existing ones. They will be used in the future to provide$


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!